1984 tells of a group of historians who, in 2050, discover the diary of Comrade 6709, Winston Smith, written precisely in 1984, a year in which the world is divided into three superstates at war with each other: Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia. Oceania, whose capital is London, is ruled by Big Brother, who sees all and knows all. His eyes are the cameras that continuously spy into homes, his arm the Thought Police that intervenes at the slightest suspicion. Everything is allowed, there is no written law. Nothing, apparently, is forbidden. Except thinking. Except loving. Except having fun. In short: except living, except according to the dictates of Big Brother. Even children have become spies, and so they are called; war is permanent, no matter against which enemy, and telescreens, along with video cameras, monitor everyone. Winston, who has acquired a clandestine diary, is ready to put his own survival at risk when he falls in love with Julia, in a world where love is forbidden. The couple’s free thinking, their realization of the truth of their time and their desire to preserve a grain of humanity will bring them to the brink.

Oct. 22 to Nov. 3 ROMA Teatro Quirino
Nov. 9-10 CARPI (MO) Teatro Comunale
Nov. 12 LERICI (SP) Teatro Astoria
Nov. 14-17 GENOVA Teatro Ivo Chiesa
Nov. 20-24 MILANO Teatro Carcano
Nov. 27-28 MESTRE (VE) Teatro Toniolo
Nov. 30 to Dec. 1 TORINO Teatro Alfieri
Dec. 5 MONTEGIORGIO (FM) Teatro Alaleona
Dec. 6 RIETI Teatro Vespasiano
Dec. 10 CALTANISSETTA Cine Teatro Rosso di San Secondo
Dec. 11-12 PALERMO Teatro Golden
Dec. 13-14 NOTO (SR) Teatro Tina di Lorenzo
Dec. 15 AUGUSTA (SR) Teatro Città della Notte
Dec. 19-22 TRIESTE Politeama Rossetti
George Orwell
Robert Icke, Duncan Macmillan
Giancarlo Nicoletti
Violante Placido, Ninni Bruschetta and Woody Neri.
And with Silvio Laviano, Brunella Platania, Savatore Rancatore, Tommaso Paolucci, Gianluigi Rodrigues, Chiara Sacco.